
Use event types and tags to make your event more specific

Event types

Event types are created as very broad categories that work for as many groups as possible. They are set by the calendar administrators and will not change.

It is not required for an event to have an event type. If the event does not fit into an event type, use tags.

Global tags

Global tags are cross-functional, meaning that they have been created by calendar admins to be used across groups. If an event has a global tag, that tag will display in the filter in the calendar view. School names will not be global tags, and users may not edit global tags.

if you have a recommendation for a global tag, contact events@iu.edu and the calendar administrators will evaluate the submission.

Local tags

Local tags are managed by the group who creates them. Some examples of local tags:

  • Brown bag lunch series
  • Book giveaway
  • Writing groups
  • Office hours
  • Essay contest

When you create a local tag, make sure to check existing global and local tags to avoid duplication. If there are duplicate tags, you can merge them. Tags may also be deleted, especially in cases where the tag was created for a campaign or a limited run. 

Tag best practices

  • Use local tags for events that are specific to your group.
  • Before creating a local tag, check to see if there is a global tag that will work appropriately. If there is not a relevant global tag, check to see if there are existing local tags that will work appropriately. If there aren't proceed with the creation of a local tag.
  • Use sentence case per IU style.
  • Tags should be clear, descriptive, and brief.
    • Good example: Brown bag lunch series (clear and concise)
    • Bad example: NASPA IV-E WISA (while it is short the use of acronyms makes it difficult to understand)
  • Make sure there are no misspellings in your tags.
  • If multiple users in your group will be making tags consider creating guidelines and approval processes that work best for your group.
  • If a tag is being used for a limited time event (ex: one time campaign) consider removing the tag after the event has been archived.